Dear customer / business partner
I hope you have enjoyed the summer together with your family and that you have gathered inspiration for the rest of the year.
We are already well under way after the summer holidays and daily we observe how the activity level increases. We are grateful for the trust placed in us by our customers and business partners. This is our drive, and we do our outmost every day to fulfil your expectations on FREJA.
In the following you can read, how we in FREJA to an even greater extend will be able to help our customers create value in their Supply Chain in the future. Struers A/S explain why they chose FREJA as their partner and elaborate on their expectations on the collaboration. We present a short update as regards our increased focus on the Baltic States and finally, we tell you the story why FREJA participates in the largest sporting event in Northern Jutland.
We wish you a great autumn. Enjoy the reading.
Ulrik Rasmussen
Managing Director
Direct: +45 9670 5330
Mobile: +45 5234 5330
FREJA Consulting – enhancing your business
FREJA invests in customers’ supply chain challenges and contributes to optimisation by balancing the operational resources and market demand
It is with great pleasure that we introduce this new service to our Danish customers as an add-on service to our existing transport and logistics solutions. FREJA Consulting will assist in solving some of the process related challenges, which our customers experience in operations and supply chain management.
Connecting logistics and engineering
To be responsible for the new service from FREJA, we have engaged Kenneth Sandgaard as Business Development Manager. Kenneth holds a Master’s degree of Industrial Engineering from the University in Aalborg, Denmark. Concurrently with the studies, he has worked as a process consultant in his own company and gathered experience from the transport and logistics business e.g. from employments at Alpi Danmark and Shipco Transport.
In the past year, Kenneth also has studied at the UC Berkeley University in California as well as worked for a period in Silicon Valley. With this background, Kenneth holds the ideal combination of competences in order for the FREJA Team to provide an optimum value-adding counselling.
Closer collaboration paves the way for development
With this new investment, FREJA aims to further-develop and extend the collaboration with our existing customers. At the same time, the service is part of the package when we commence discussion with new customers. It is highly important to us that FREJA Consulting contributes with growth and profitability to the customer’s business in order to increase value in their partnership with FREJA.
We hope that our present and future customers will welcome this new initiative and let us challenge your existing Supply Chain solutions.
If you have any questions to the above, please contact:
Kenneth Sandgaard
Head of Digital & Innovation
Direct: +45 96 70 53 60
Mobile: +45 52 34 53 60
New partnership between Struers and FREJA
Starting from September 2016 and two years ahead FREJA will handle all import and export shipments for Struers A/S with option to one more year.
Founded in 1875, Struers A/S is one of the world's leading manufacturer of equipment, consumables and services for materialographic surface preparation and analysis of solid materials. The core business is developing, manufacturing and delivering materialographic preparation solutions. Struers A/S holds a market share of more than 40 % worldwide and is a first-grade example of Danish innovation, entrepreneurship and quality.
During the spring of 2016, Struers A/S was searching for a partner to handle their road transportation in all of Europe and the Nordic countries, import and export, cross trade in Europe and national distribution. Their shipments consist primarily of groupage, which is fully aligned with FREJA’s strategy and ambitions for growth in this business area.
Thorough preparation created the basis for partnership
FREJA and Struers A/S have not collaborated previously but the companies have been in an ongoing dialogue. As the dialogue about a future collaboration became realistic, it was time to establish and test a more solid knowledge of each other’s companies. No stones were left unturned and today we have a thoroughly prepared foundation for the future partnership.
Karsten Kjeldsen, Order Desk and Shipping Manager at Struers A/S, states that previously he perceived FREJA as only being able to cover the Nordic countries. However, FREJA was given the opportunity to prove our capabilities to handle the entire European continent in a thoroughly prepared quotation, which met all requirements for transit times, Track & Trace and lane frequencies. On certain critical destinations, the quotation even offered substantially better transit times than expected.
“I anticipate the collaboration to run smoothly and FREJA to be a professional partner, meeting our expectations, Karsten Kjeldsen concludes.
Strong presence in the Baltic States
Did you know that FREJA has daily lanes to and from the Baltic States and a dedicated team to guide you every step of the way?
During 2016 FREJA has expanded the lanes to and from the Baltic States and we can now offer our customers daily lanes to and from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Flexible Solutions
Through flexible and customer-oriented solutions, FREJA and our competent partner in the Baltic States, Itella, have established a strong connection between the Baltic States and Denmark. The organisations in both Denmark and the Baltic States can take on all transport challenges and we are excited about the future partnerships with our existing and new customers in this area.
Team up with profound market competences
To ensure that FREJA is close with our customers and fully understand their challenges, we have engaged employees with thorough market insight to take care of this business area, in both our offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus. No challenge is too small or too big for FREJA.
If you are interested in more information about our services and solutions in the Baltic States, please contact our team – we are dedicated to find the best solutions to your transport challenges.
FREJA part of largest sporting event in North-ern Jutland
Made in Denmark – World Class golf – includes Denmark in the international golf community. In FREJA we are proud to be one of the main sponsors once again.
Again this year, FREJA plays an active part in the European Tour tournament, which is one of the largest sporting events in Denmark. The organiser expects more than 80,000 spectators during the four days of tournament. It is the third year in a row that FREJA is part of the largest sporting event in Northern Jutland. An event, which is a unique experience in itself and therefore attracts some of the world’s best golf players - fully in line with FREJA’s values.
Close to the roots and close to the business life
In FREJA we are pleased to be part of attracting some of the world’s best golf players to Denmark, especially Northern Jutland. A region, with which FREJA has a close commercial interaction and to which FREJA’s founder and Group CEO Jørgen Hansen is closely connected, being raised in Gundersted – very close to the area where the golf tournament takes place.
We hope that this great event will be a success again this year and attract even more attention to Denmark. At the same time, we look forward to spending four pleasant days together with customers, colleagues, business associates and the many fantastic spectators:
If you have any questions to the above, please contact:
Jørgen J. Hansen
Group CEO
Direct: +45 9670 5101
Mobile: +45 4019 5288
Ulrik Rasmussen
Managing Director
Direct: +45 9670 5330
Mobile: +45 5234 5330