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    Lockdown Holland & Germany

    Holland has announced a lockdown starting 15 December 2020 and lasting until 19 January 2021. Germany has announced a lockdown starting 16 December 2020 and lasting until 10 January 2021.

    Because of these lockdown, we kindly ask our customers to assure that customers/suppliers in Holland and Germany will stay open for receipt of goods or collection before FREJA initiate collection or delivery.

    So far, price agreements are still valid to the extend we are able to carry out delivery and collection and as long as the distribution systems still function as usual.

    However, it is only essential businesses which are allowed to stay open during the lockdown in Holland and Germany. Examples of businesses which stay open are supermarkets, grocery shops, transport- and logistics companies, pharmacies, opticians, doctors and health services.

    In case FREJA experiences problems with already booked or initiated transports, which we will not be able to collect or deliver as planned, we will have to invoice the customer any extra costs.

    If you have any questions, please contact your normal contact person in FREJA.