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    Press release Sweden

    An unsatisfactory development in the transport- and logistics group FREJA Transport & Logistics AB, Sweden, results in a larger restructure and replacement of managing director

    Unfortunately, the development in 2018 has shown a negative trend. Therefore, management and board have initiated necessary precautions regarding the organization in Sweden.

    This has resulted in the decision to gather all Nordic and Baltic traffics at our new HUB in Jönköping, where we also handle third-part-logistics. At the same time, we have decided to make use of external suppliers for local distribution in Stockholm.

    FREJA has also made an agreement with managing director Anders Ekroth to go separate ways. Both parties have agreed that it takes a different and more road-oriented profile to carry out the planned changes, since road transport constitutes 85 % of FREJA’s turnover.

    During 2018, FREJA Transport & Logistics AB has invested in the build-up of an Air & Sea division and we have strengthened our sales organization, which has given a positive development mainly during fall 2018.

    FREJA Transport & Logistics AB’s ambition is still to consolidate our position as Swedish industry’s first choice of full-service provider of transport and logistics services having in mind that service, flexibility and quality always has our highest priority.

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