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    Warning regarding German road tax (maut)

    We have received warning about two stages of changes regarding German road tax in 2018 and 2019.

    1. In July 2018 an addition of 40,000 km road will be imposed by road tax
    2. In January 2019 the present road tax will be adjusted to new and yet unknown rates

    Today, Germany has about 15,000 km taxed roads - the so-called “Autobahnen” and “Schnellstrassen”. According to information sent out from the German authorities, an addition of 40,000 roads will be imposed by road tax, which in practice are all Bundesstrassen in Germany. Therefore, as of 1st July 2018 Germany will have a total of 55,000 km taxed roads.

    In addition, we have been informed that the present rates will be adjusted. This is expected to have effected on 1st January 2019 with a validity to 2022.

    These changes will have large consequences and will affect all transports in Germany as well as transit through Germany.

    We do not yet know by 100 % security whether the dates mentioned above will be respected or changed and we have not yet calculated on the consequences hereof.

    As soon as we have concrete dates and rates, we will be able to calculate the consequences and we will give more information.

    Freja truck