Transport and logistics between Norway and Romania
Do you need to transport goods between Norway and Romania? Then FREJA Transport & Logistics helps to deliver it safely and on time. Via facilities at strategic locations near Norway and Romania, we can transport your goods via a large transport fleet with regular departures throughout Europe.
With many facilities and trailers, we support every need for transport of goods on this route. Contact us to get a quote and hear more about the customer journey in FREJA Transport & Logistics. We are ready to find the best freight solution for you between Norway and Romania.
Contact us for information about our services
Per Aaseby
Team Leader Nordic Import & Export Norway
+47 22 07 50 68
+47 901 61 893
Anne-Helene Troøien
Team Leader Continent Import Norway
+47 22 07 50 24
+47 901 95 311
Hans-Petter Aarstad
Team Manager Brokerage Continent Import Norway
+47 22 07 50 12
+47 900 45 822